Author: Åsa Cajander (Page 4 of 4)

Exploring the Effects of Digitalization on Ground Personnel in Airports

New technologies, such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), have brought significant changes to the workplace, and the impact of these changes on workers’ health and safety remains largely unknown. This is especially true in the aviation industry, where ground personnel face a significant technological shift. The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated the situation, leading to a shortage of personnel and putting the focus on creating attractive and healthy workplaces to retain staff. However, implementing new technologies can also bring new and unforeseen problems where using a hand scanner causes pain and discomfort for airport personnel.

A person holding a digital device for scanning luggage
A person holding a digital device for scanning luggage

To address these knowledge gaps, a research project has been initiated to investigate the impact of new technologies on the work environment of ground personnel in the aviation industry. The project aims to increase knowledge of how new technologies have affected and will continue to affect the work environment of baggage handlers, airport technicians, and refueling staff. These groups have been chosen because of the large research gap in their areas and the shortage of personnel, which increases the importance of their health and safety.

The project will work closely with the aviation industry and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union (TYA), owned by labor market parties, the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union, and Transport Companies. Both organizations have expressed a need for this knowledge to prevent workplace health and safety problems. The project will also examine how research results on the work environment can be implemented and utilized effectively.

The project has two main objectives. The first is to investigate the level of implementation of new technologies that affect baggage handlers, airport technicians, and refueling staff across Sweden’s 38 airports and the plans for digitization moving forward. This will provide a baseline for the second objective, examining how new technologies have affected the work environment and increased the risk of workplace injuries.

The project addresses a critical knowledge gap in the area of new technologies and work environment and is well-aligned with the goals of the AFA (Arbetsmiljöfonden) within this area. The project will provide increased knowledge of the effects of new technologies on airport personnel’s work environment and support labor market parties in working preventatively regarding future workplace health and safety risks.

Hur digitaliseringen påverkar sjuksköterskors arbetsengagemang i patientcentrerad vård

I takt med att samhället digitaliseras påverkas även hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. Med en åldrande befolkning och en ökande efterfrågan på vårdtjänster behövs patientcentrerade lösningar som är effektiva och väl anpassade. Men införandet av ny teknik kan få oavsiktliga konsekvenser för vårdpersonal, särskilt för sjuksköterskor.

Forskning visar att arbetsengagemanget inom hälso- och sjukvården är komplext och att sjuksköterskor ofta upplever hög utmattning och stress. Därför är det viktigt att undersöka digitaliseringens effekter på arbetsengagemanget i patientcentrerade tjänster.

Foto av en person som sitter vid en dator
Att chatta med patienter har blivit ett sätt för sjuksköterskor att hjälpa.

I denna studie genomförde forskarna kontextuella och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor som använde en ny chattfunktion och ett nytt telefonsystem för att ge medicinska råd till patienter. Resultaten visade att den nya chattfunktionen påverkade arbetsengagemanget både positivt och negativt. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde mindre tids- och känslomässig press men kände också att de hade förlorat arbetskontrollen och feedback från kollegor som arbetade hemifrån.

Forskningen belyser behovet av en mer nyanserad förståelse av digitaliseringens effekter på arbetsengagemanget inom hälso- och sjukvården, samt vikten av att ta hänsyn till både positiva och negativa effekter. Genom att ta ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt kan patientcentrerade tjänster utvecklas som förbättrar effektiviteten och patientresultaten, samtidigt som vårdpersonalens välbefinnande och engagemang stöds.

För mer information, se hela artikeln här:

Exploring the Impact of Automation on Nurse Work Engagement in Patient-Centric Primary Care Services

The healthcare sector is no exception as we move towards a more digital future. With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services, there is a pressing need for patient-centric services that are efficient and effective. However, introducing new technology can also have unintended consequences for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses.

Research has shown that work engagement in healthcare is complex, with nurses often experiencing high levels of exhaustion and stress. In light of this, it is essential to study the effects of digitalization on work engagement in patient-centric services.

Person sitting in front of a computer

In this study, researchers conducted contextual and semi-structured interviews with nurses using a new chat function and telephone system to provide medical advice to patients. The results showed that the new chat function positively and negatively affected work engagement. While nurses experienced less time and emotional pressure, they also felt a loss of job control and feedback from colleagues working from home.

This research highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the impact of digitalization on work engagement in healthcare and the importance of considering both the positive and negative effects. By taking a user-centered approach, we can develop patient-centric services that improve efficiency and patient outcomes and support healthcare professionals’ well-being and engagement.

For more info – see full paper:

NIVA course: Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment

A photo of a computer, a phone, a cup of coffee and a note book

Digitalization, automation, and AI have been instrumental in transforming the modern workplace, but these advancements have also brought new challenges. The increasing reliance on digital systems has resulted in inefficient work processes, safety risks, and employee stress. However, with better knowledge, development processes, and leadership, organizations can create a future work environment that is both efficient and sustainable.

This is where the online course “Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment” comes in. This two-part course will provide participants with the tools and knowledge they need to create a work environment that is both efficient and sustainable. The course will consist of two two-day sessions held on May 3-4, 2023, and May 31-June 1, 2023, and will feature a series of lectures, discussions, and a small individual project. Magdalena Stadin, Åsa Cajander, and Bengt Sandblad will be the main teachers of the course.

Participants will learn about the limitations and challenges of current digital systems and will be encouraged to use material and experiences from their own organizations. The course will also cover best practices and strategies for implementing AI and automation in a healthy, sustainable, and efficient way.

This course is designed for professionals in various industries, including technology, healthcare, education, and finance. It is also recommended as a PhD course worth 5 ECTS credits.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Linda Oksanen at

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to shape the future of work and make a positive impact on your organization and society at large. Enroll in “Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment” today!

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