Author: Åsa Cajander (Page 3 of 4)

Welcome Back After Summer: New PhD Students and Upcoming Internal Retreat

Summer has drawn to a close, and as the autumn leaves start to fall, we are back to the academic grind. We hope you had a wonderful and refreshing break, soaking up the sun and spending time with loved ones.

We’re thrilled to announce two new PhD students joining the HTO team after the summer break—Jonathan Källbäcker and Andreas Bergqvist. We warmly welcome both and are eager to follow their PhD journey.

Jonathan and Andreas will be deeply involved in two of our most forward-thinking projects—AROA and TARA. These projects are instrumental in shaping the future of our research domain.

  • TARA Project about work environment and AI, robots and automation for ground staff at airports: You can read the detailed post here for more information on the TARA project.
  • AROA Project about work engagement and AI, robots and automation: Please follow this link to learn more about the AROA project.

This week, we are organizing an internal retreat focused on the TARA and AROA projects to integrate our new colleagues and get everyone on the same page. This retreat will span over two days, filled with intensive planning and collaborative work on the studies involved in these projects. And of course, we will have Fika—those beloved coffee breaks that are a cornerstone of Swedish work culture.

From Milestones to Moments of Relaxation: HTO Research Group Unwinds on Summer Vacation

As the summer breeze carries us into a well-deserved vacation, the HTO Research Group looks back at a spring semester filled with inspiring work and remarkable successes. Our team has been tirelessly dedicated to advancing the fields of AI, automation, and work environment, resulting in exciting developments and achievements that we are proud to share. Although we will be momentarily away, we eagerly anticipate returning in late August, recharged and ready to continue our journey towards groundbreaking discoveries.

We are thrilled to announce that Sofia, one of our esteemed researchers, has recently had her application for Docent approved. This significant achievement is a testament to Sofia’s exceptional expertise and contributions to her field. While some minor course requirements are remaining, we have no doubt that she will surpass them effortlessly, solidifying her position as a leading expert in her area of research.

Securing funding is a crucial aspect of advancing research, and we are delighted to have received support for two new projects focused on AI, automation, and the work environment. This exciting development will allow us to delve deeper into these domains, exploring innovative solutions and generating valuable insights that can positively impact industries and society. AFA’s trust in us to pursue these projects fuels our motivation and drives us forward.

We are proud to highlight the success of the NIVA course on AI, automation, and robots at work. This specialized course offered an invaluable opportunity for professionals to expand their knowledge and understanding of the emerging technologies shaping the future workplace.

Additionally, the spring semester has been marked by significant achievements in terms of publications and the dedicated effort put into writing applications for funding. Our researchers have diligently worked on disseminating their findings through high-impact journal articles, conference papers, and book chapters. These publications showcase the depth of our research and contribute to the broader academic community by sharing valuable insights and advancements.

Furthermore, our team has invested substantial time and effort in crafting compelling and competitive funding applications. Securing funding is vital to driving our research forward, allowing us to explore new avenues of inquiry, acquire cutting-edge resources, and collaborate with experts from diverse fields. The diligent work put into these applications is a testament to our unwavering commitment to advancing knowledge and making a tangible impact in our focus areas.

Welcoming New PhD Students: As we gear up for the fall semester, we eagerly anticipate the arrival of our new PhD students, Andreas Bergqvist and Jonathan Källbäcker. Their fresh perspectives, curiosity, and dedication to research will undoubtedly enrich our team and contribute to our collective pursuit of knowledge. We look forward to supporting and guiding them in their academic journeys, and we have no doubt that their contributions will be instrumental in our continued success.

The HTO Research Group is immensely grateful for the fruitful spring semester we leave behind, marked by inspiring accomplishments and the pursuit of excellence. As we embark on our summer break, we encourage everyone to take time for rest and rejuvenation, knowing that it is through such periods that creativity and productivity find fertile ground. We will return in late August, eager to share our latest insights, breakthroughs, and updates with our esteemed readers and followers.

Wishing you all a rejuvenating summer filled with joy, relaxation, and inspiration!

Join Our ‘Collective Collaboration Mapping’ Workshop at CHIWork

Are you passionate about driving change through collaboration and innovation? Do you want to enhance your skills in designing inclusive research or design projects? We have an exciting opportunity for you! Introducing the workshop ‘Collective Collaboration Mapping,’ a transformative experience that will empower you to navigate the complexities of collaboration and unlock the full potential of collective knowledge.

This interactive and immersive workshop offers practical guidance and tools to co-create inclusive and transdisciplinary collaboration processes, led by renowned experts in the field, Catharina (Karin) van den Driesche and professor Åsa Cajander. Whether you’re involved in participatory action research, citizen initiatives, or community-driven design, this workshop will equip you with the skills you need to effectively address complex challenges.

Taking place on Tuesday, June 13th, 2023, as part of the CHIWORK conference in Oldenburg, Germany, this workshop is a must-attend event for professionals in the field of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) who are committed to making a positive impact on society.

During the workshop, you will delve into the ‘Collective Collaboration Mapping’ (CCM) Framework, which emphasizes the importance of exchanging and combining different perspectives and types of knowledge. Through hands-on activities and discussions, you will explore touchpoints within the framework, enabling the monitoring of emerging intermediate-level knowledge. By incorporating diverse viewpoints, you’ll create a knowledge network that fosters inclusivity and engagement among all participants.

By the end of the workshop, you will understand the intricacies and opportunities of collaboration within an inclusive and transdisciplinary approach. Armed with the insights and practical tools provided, you’ll be ready to apply the principles of the CCM Framework to your own design or research projects, driving innovation and achieving remarkable results.

For more information and registration, visit the CHIWORK 2023 website:

We look forward to welcoming you to this dynamic and inspiring workshop!

Workshop Details:

NIVA Education’s Online Course on the Work Environment, Digitalisation, Automation, and AI

NIVA Education hosted a state-of-the-art digital course titled ‘Digitalisation, Automation, AI, and the Future Sustainable Work Environment,’ which was conducted online. The course was led by Magdalena Stadin, Bengt Sandblad, and Åsa Cajander from the HTO group. The purpose of this transformative course was to equip academicians with the necessary skills and knowledge to adeptly navigate the ever-evolving sphere of digital systems in the workplace.”

By having interesting talks and insightful presentations, attendees delved into the difficulties and advantages of digital transformation, automation, and artificial intelligence. Topics covered included user-centered design methods, the impact of AI and robotics in various sectors, and the design, deployment, and evaluation of digital systems from a work environment perspective.

The course was carefully planned and organised by the NIVA Education team and Bengt Sandblad to make sure the participants could learn easily. We worked hard to schedule sessions and pick the course material to ensure the program’s overall success.

In conclusion, NIVA Education’s state-of-the-art digital course on “Digitalisation, Automation, AI, and the Future Sustainable Work Environment” was a success! Through engaging discussions and insightful presentations, attendees explored the challenges and advantages of digital transformation.

Steg mot en Hälsosam Arbetsplats: Läs boken “Psykisk Ohälsa – Utmaningen vi möter”

Vi befinner oss i en tid där psykisk ohälsa blir allt vanligare och påverkar individer och samhällen på olika sätt. Arbetsplatsen har blivit en plats där psykiska problem frodas, vilket resulterar i personligt lidande och hotar produktivitet och tillväxt. Men vad kan vi göra för att bemöta denna brådskande utmaning? Idag är vi stolta över att presentera en banbrytande bok med Åsa Cajander och Bengt Sandblad som medverkande som syftar till att fördjupa förståelsen och erbjuda handlingsbara lösningar: “Psykisk Ohälsa – Utmaningen vi möter”.

Psykisk Ohälsa – Utmaningen vi möter”, redigerad av Åke Magnusson, samlar en mångfald av forskare, experter och till och med Sveriges socialminister, Jakob Forssmed (KD), för att belysa komplexiteten kring mental hälsa i arbetslivet. Denna samverkan mellan institutioner som Handelshögskolan vid Göteborgs universitet, Svenskt Näringsliv, LO, IF Metall, Göteborgsregionen (GR) och Folkuniversitetet syftar till att ge individer, organisationer och beslutsfattare verktyg för att aktivt hantera denna viktiga fråga.

Boken fördjupar sig i den oroande ökningen av psykiska problem i arbetslivet och undersöker deras orsaker och konsekvenser. Genom att presentera en omfattande samling av forskning, personliga berättelser och expertinsikter ger den en tydlig bild av denna komplexa problematik och understryker att det inte finns några enkla lösningar. Istället framhålls behovet av ett gemensamt engagemang från kollegor, arbetsgivare och fackliga företrädare för att aktivt främja välmående på arbetsplatsen.

Viktiga teman och insikter: Författarna till “Psykisk Ohälsa – Utmaningen vi möter” utforskar flera avgörande ämnen, inklusive:

  1. Den sociala och ekonomiska påverkan av psykiska hälsoproblem på arbetsplatsen.
  2. Individens, arbetsgivarens och fackliga företrädarnas roll i att främja psykiskt välbefinnande.
  3. Insikter från forskning och praktisk erfarenhet som erbjuder vägledning för effektiva hälsoinitiativ.
  4. Intervjuer med ledande experter, inklusive socialminister Jakob Forssmed (KD).

Genom att utforska dessa teman ger boken läsarna en stark grund för att förstå komplexiteten av psykiska utmaningar och inspirerar till djupgående diskussioner och handlingskraft.

 Utgivning: Folkuniversitetets Akademiska Press

Format: Häftad (978-91-85359-25-7), E-bok (978-91-85359-26-4)

Digitaliseringens påverkan på markpersonal inom flygbranschen

Nya teknologier som automatisering, robotik och artificiell intelligens (AI) har medfört betydande förändringar på arbetsplatser, och hur dessa förändringar påverkar arbetarnas hälsa och säkerhet är fortfarande i stort sett okänt. Detta gäller särskilt inom flygbranschen, där markpersonalen står inför en betydande teknologisk förändring. Covid-19-pandemin har ytterligare komplicerat situationen genom att leda till en brist på personal och sätta fokus på att skapa attraktiva och hälsosamma arbetsplatser för att behålla personalen. Men införandet av nya teknologier kan också medföra nya och oväntade problem

En person med en handscanner för bagage
En person med en handscanner för bagage

För att adressera dessa kunskapsluckor har ett forskningsprojekt startats för att undersöka hur nya teknologier påverkar arbetsmiljön för markpersonalen inom flygbranschen. Projektet syftar till att öka kunskapen om hur nya teknologier har påverkat och fortsatt kommer att påverka arbetsmiljön för bagagehanterare, flygplatsmekaniker och bränslepersonal. Dessa grupper har valts på grund av det stora kunskapsgapet inom deras områden och personalbristen, vilket ökar vikten av deras hälsa och säkerhet.

Projektet kommer att samarbeta nära med flygbranschen och Transportfackens Yrkes- och Arbetsmiljönämnd (TYA), som ägs av arbetsmarknadens parter, Svenska Transportarbetareförbundet och Transportföretagen. Båda organisationerna har uttryckt ett behov av denna kunskap för att förebygga problem med arbetsmiljön. Projektet kommer också att undersöka hur forskningsresultat om arbetsmiljön kan implementeras och utnyttjas effektivt.

Projektet har två huvudmål. Det första är att undersöka nivån på införandet av nya teknologier som påverkar bagagehanterare, flygplatsmekaniker och bränslepersonal på Sveriges 38 flygplatser och planerna för digitalisering framåt. Detta ger en baslinje för det andra målet, som är att undersöka hur nya teknologier har påverkat arbetsmiljön och ökat risken för arbetsrelaterade skador.

Projektet adresserar en kritisk kunskapslucka inom området nya teknologier och arbetsmiljö och är väl anpassat till AFA:s (Arbetsmiljöfonden) mål inom detta område. Projektet kommer inte bara att öka kunskapen om effekterna av nya teknologier på flygplatspersonalens arbetsmiljö, utan det kommer också att stödja arbetsmarknadens parter i deras förebyggande arbete gällande framtida arbetsmiljörisker.

Exploring the Effects of Digitalization on Ground Personnel in Airports

New technologies, such as automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence (AI), have brought significant changes to the workplace, and the impact of these changes on workers’ health and safety remains largely unknown. This is especially true in the aviation industry, where ground personnel face a significant technological shift. The COVID-19 pandemic has further complicated the situation, leading to a shortage of personnel and putting the focus on creating attractive and healthy workplaces to retain staff. However, implementing new technologies can also bring new and unforeseen problems where using a hand scanner causes pain and discomfort for airport personnel.

A person holding a digital device for scanning luggage
A person holding a digital device for scanning luggage

To address these knowledge gaps, a research project has been initiated to investigate the impact of new technologies on the work environment of ground personnel in the aviation industry. The project aims to increase knowledge of how new technologies have affected and will continue to affect the work environment of baggage handlers, airport technicians, and refueling staff. These groups have been chosen because of the large research gap in their areas and the shortage of personnel, which increases the importance of their health and safety.

The project will work closely with the aviation industry and the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union (TYA), owned by labor market parties, the Swedish Transport Workers’ Union, and Transport Companies. Both organizations have expressed a need for this knowledge to prevent workplace health and safety problems. The project will also examine how research results on the work environment can be implemented and utilized effectively.

The project has two main objectives. The first is to investigate the level of implementation of new technologies that affect baggage handlers, airport technicians, and refueling staff across Sweden’s 38 airports and the plans for digitization moving forward. This will provide a baseline for the second objective, examining how new technologies have affected the work environment and increased the risk of workplace injuries.

The project addresses a critical knowledge gap in the area of new technologies and work environment and is well-aligned with the goals of the AFA (Arbetsmiljöfonden) within this area. The project will provide increased knowledge of the effects of new technologies on airport personnel’s work environment and support labor market parties in working preventatively regarding future workplace health and safety risks.

Hur digitaliseringen påverkar sjuksköterskors arbetsengagemang i patientcentrerad vård

I takt med att samhället digitaliseras påverkas även hälso- och sjukvårdssektorn. Med en åldrande befolkning och en ökande efterfrågan på vårdtjänster behövs patientcentrerade lösningar som är effektiva och väl anpassade. Men införandet av ny teknik kan få oavsiktliga konsekvenser för vårdpersonal, särskilt för sjuksköterskor.

Forskning visar att arbetsengagemanget inom hälso- och sjukvården är komplext och att sjuksköterskor ofta upplever hög utmattning och stress. Därför är det viktigt att undersöka digitaliseringens effekter på arbetsengagemanget i patientcentrerade tjänster.

Foto av en person som sitter vid en dator
Att chatta med patienter har blivit ett sätt för sjuksköterskor att hjälpa.

I denna studie genomförde forskarna kontextuella och semistrukturerade intervjuer med sjuksköterskor som använde en ny chattfunktion och ett nytt telefonsystem för att ge medicinska råd till patienter. Resultaten visade att den nya chattfunktionen påverkade arbetsengagemanget både positivt och negativt. Sjuksköterskorna upplevde mindre tids- och känslomässig press men kände också att de hade förlorat arbetskontrollen och feedback från kollegor som arbetade hemifrån.

Forskningen belyser behovet av en mer nyanserad förståelse av digitaliseringens effekter på arbetsengagemanget inom hälso- och sjukvården, samt vikten av att ta hänsyn till både positiva och negativa effekter. Genom att ta ett användarcentrerat förhållningssätt kan patientcentrerade tjänster utvecklas som förbättrar effektiviteten och patientresultaten, samtidigt som vårdpersonalens välbefinnande och engagemang stöds.

För mer information, se hela artikeln här:

Exploring the Impact of Automation on Nurse Work Engagement in Patient-Centric Primary Care Services

The healthcare sector is no exception as we move towards a more digital future. With an aging population and increasing demand for healthcare services, there is a pressing need for patient-centric services that are efficient and effective. However, introducing new technology can also have unintended consequences for healthcare professionals, particularly nurses.

Research has shown that work engagement in healthcare is complex, with nurses often experiencing high levels of exhaustion and stress. In light of this, it is essential to study the effects of digitalization on work engagement in patient-centric services.

Person sitting in front of a computer

In this study, researchers conducted contextual and semi-structured interviews with nurses using a new chat function and telephone system to provide medical advice to patients. The results showed that the new chat function positively and negatively affected work engagement. While nurses experienced less time and emotional pressure, they also felt a loss of job control and feedback from colleagues working from home.

This research highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of the impact of digitalization on work engagement in healthcare and the importance of considering both the positive and negative effects. By taking a user-centered approach, we can develop patient-centric services that improve efficiency and patient outcomes and support healthcare professionals’ well-being and engagement.

For more info – see full paper:

NIVA course: Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment

A photo of a computer, a phone, a cup of coffee and a note book

Digitalization, automation, and AI have been instrumental in transforming the modern workplace, but these advancements have also brought new challenges. The increasing reliance on digital systems has resulted in inefficient work processes, safety risks, and employee stress. However, with better knowledge, development processes, and leadership, organizations can create a future work environment that is both efficient and sustainable.

This is where the online course “Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment” comes in. This two-part course will provide participants with the tools and knowledge they need to create a work environment that is both efficient and sustainable. The course will consist of two two-day sessions held on May 3-4, 2023, and May 31-June 1, 2023, and will feature a series of lectures, discussions, and a small individual project. Magdalena Stadin, Åsa Cajander, and Bengt Sandblad will be the main teachers of the course.

Participants will learn about the limitations and challenges of current digital systems and will be encouraged to use material and experiences from their own organizations. The course will also cover best practices and strategies for implementing AI and automation in a healthy, sustainable, and efficient way.

This course is designed for professionals in various industries, including technology, healthcare, education, and finance. It is also recommended as a PhD course worth 5 ECTS credits.

For more information, please contact Project Manager Linda Oksanen at

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to shape the future of work and make a positive impact on your organization and society at large. Enroll in “Digitalization, Automation, AI and the Future Sustainable Work Environment” today!

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